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Reactions of Platinum
Reactions with air
Platinum metal does not normally react with air or oxygen.
Reactions with halogens
Careful control of the reaction between platinum metal and fluorine gas results in either the volatile platinum(VI) fluoride, PtF6 or the tetrameric platinum(V) fluoride, (PtF5)4. The latter posseses the same type of structure as (IrF5)4, (RhF5)4, (OsF5)4, and (RuF5)4, and disproportionates into platinum(VI) fluoride and platinum(IV) fluoride.
  Pt(s) + 3F2(g)PtF6(s)
  4Pt(s) + 10F2(g)(PtF5)4(s)
  (PtF5)4(s) + PtF6(g)PtF4(s)
Tetrachloride, tetrabromide and tetraiodide are formed in the reactions of platinum metal and the respective halogens.
  Pt(s)+ 2Cl2(g)PtCl4(s)
  Pt(s)+ 2Br2(g)PtBr4(s)
  Pt(s)+ 2I2(g)PtI4(s)
Platinum(II) chloride is also formed in the controlled reaction of platinum metal and chlorine. Depending upon the reaction conditions, one of two different forms of PtCl2 is formed.
  Pt(s) + Cl2(g)PtCl2(s)
Reduction Potentials
Balanced half-reaction E0 / V
Pt2+ + 2e-Pt(s) +1.2
PtO2(s) + 2H+ + 2e-Pt(OH)2(s) +1.1
Pt(OH)2(s) + 2e-Pt(s) + 2OH- +0.15
Pt(OH)2(s) + 2H+ + 2e-Pt(s) + 2H2O +0.98
PtCl62- + 2e-PtCl42- + 2Cl- +0.68
PtCl42- + 2e-Pt(s) + 4Cl- +0.73